I Am Grateful

A few days ago I attended a beautiful yoga class where our teacher asked us to close our eyes, sit in an easy cross legged pose, and think of things we are grateful for. There we were—some nine or 10 students—sitting tall, counting our blessings. Doing this was a great way for us to start our practice right, and it showed, said our teacher. Some of us sat taller, some of us smiled, some of us shed tears of joy (okay, maybe ONE of us did).

I carried this gratefulness along with me during the entire 60-minute practice. I was grateful that I could hold my balance on my right foot better than I could two months ago. Albeit a bit shaky, this was definitely progress. I was grateful for the strength I had to keep my chaturangas in form, not sagging or hanging but strong and secure. I was grateful for the class—the well rounded, simple but deceivingly challenging, heartfelt class led by charismatic and very sincere Regula Guldimann of Niyama yoga studio in Basel.

After practice, I took that gratefulness with me and shared it with those around me—strangers or those close to my heart. The simple act of being thankful is enough to work magic into your life, and those around you. I am grateful for my beautiful family, a wonderful boyfriend, great friends, mobile talents, the cozy apartment I live in, healthy food available for me to eat, the clean air that I breathe in, the fact that I can climb outdoors in the afternoon and be back by dinner, run from my doorstep to nearby trails… the list is endless!

What are you grateful for today?

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